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Existing CODS Customer

Updated on December 21, 2023

Being already a CODS customer, all the relevant Customer/Address and Connection data is in the system and there is no need to enter these.

Should the customer however be acquiring another address for whatever purpose under his same name & Customer Type, the steps to be taken are as follows:

For that customer, a new address is assigned by issuing the “Customer add Address or Connection”.
Once done, the next step is executing “Estimate Customer”.

Seek existing customer using CURGAS ID or Customer ID. All customer will be shown in the “Customer information” tab.

Next go to the Estimate “Customer Service Orders” tab. Choose the “Service Order Type”. By pressing the Connections button choose the address for which this service order applies to.
Now press the search flashlight icon to choose the Service Description. Based on the choice the pricing is shown. If correct press the Process Estimate button. To discontinue creating the estimate press the Exit button.

On acceptance of the quotation, the next step to follow would be to convert the Estimate to a real order.
Go to Quotation to Order

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